Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Fresh veggies

It takes so little to make us happy.

After returning to work following a refreshing holiday, we came home to fix a simple meal and relax. With hamburgers sizzling on the grill -- the new grill, quite a step up from the little $30 charcoal grill bought before Clinton was president -- I picked a few veggies from our garden.

Cucumbers, green beans, tomatoes, green onions, a bit of basil, nothing beats fresh picked. Nothing. And the joy of raising these little goodies. And growing enough to share with neighbors and friends. Priceless.

Our little 4x8-foot garden sets just off the screened in porch. We enjoy looking out at the lush foliage. Just seeing their greenness brings a smile to my face, eases the day's tensions, reminds me that nurturing something or someone rewards the nurturer as much as the object of their attention.

We watch each little flower develop. And then wait for it to turn into 'fruit' or in this case veggies. So big and beautiful, and producing new life that we can eat and grow healthy. What a delightful life cycle.

If only growing healthy was as easy as eating our vegetables.


Ruth L.~ said...

What a difference your latitude makes. Consider yourself lucky, garden-wise. We won't be picking anything except lettuce for a couple of months. The corn is just up an inch and there are no flowers on the tomatoes. Memorial Day is the traditional day to get a garden started around here.

By the way, you were right the first time-- anything containing seeds is technically a fruit: tomatoes, cukes, green beans, squash. Vegetables don't have seeds: celery, lettuce, potatoes, beets.

You've shared a nice family moment. It's nice to eat a meal that you've grown yourself.

Dawn said...

Hi Ruth,
We can't get into the rhythm of these southern seasons, but we're trying. By the time we got our garden out, we were already 'late'! They plant in February here. For decades we planted to the Good-Friday-for-potatoes, corn-knee-high-by-the-4th-of-July, if-your-garden-isn't- sprouting-by-Memorial-Day-you're- no-gardener, rules. :) So right now it feels like we should be nearing July!

Your garden sounds like it is right on schedule. I can't wait to hear about your 'garden sass.' :)